Back in June we took a little baby moon trip to New Orleans. From New Orleans we drove to Lafayette, LA and stopped by Avery Island on our way. Although our stay in NOLA was quite short, we really enjoyed our time. The only time I have ever craved a drink this entire pregnancy (it really helps not being a big drinker prior!) was when we walked Frenchman St. at night, with jazz music spilling out from the bars and clubs, the art market beckoning us with its gorgeous and unique wares , and people drinking and being merry all around us. I definitely want to come back when I’m not pregnant so I could partake, and also to visit the Museums and the cemeteries. There is just so much to see in NOLA. What a beautiful and eclectic place; there is nothing quite like it anywhere else.

It was very hot and humid when we were there, as expected. Our peak NOLA experience was choosing to sit outside because the café has its doors wide open and we figured there would be more of a breeze outside (no, there is no breeze, not even a hint, just more humidity) and trying to eat piping hot beignets and getting progressively sweatier from said act.

Our other peak experience was visiting Avery Island and traversing the jungle, while sidestepping giant bugs of unidentifiable variety, and my husband’s watch alerting us that it’s dangerously hot outside. At some point I got so woozy (the perks of being pregnant and having so much more blood in circulation) that I stumbled into the gift shop, chugged a Gatorade right there and then, and asked to be carried away into the AC’ed car. Still, everything was so beautiful & majestic (I love jungle! I love gators! I love egrets! which Avery Island is a sanctuary for) that it was all worth it. But perhaps next time we visit Louisiana, it won’t be in June.

More photos from our walks in New Orleans:

And some photos from Avery Island: