Certain it is, the place still continues under the sway of some witching power, that holds a spell over the minds of the good people, causing them to walk in a continual reverie. They are given to all kinds of marvellous beliefs, are subject to trances and visions, and frequently see strange sights, and hear music and voices in the air.
Washington Irving

Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, nestled on the East Bank of the Hudson River, is a lush and historical place. It is a final resting place for many a famous figure, including Washington Irving who penned the Legend of Sleepy Hollow. But beyond that, the cemetery is just absolutely breathtaking to behold and visit. It is especially pleasant to visit during the fall season when the colors turn and everything seems so much more stark and vivid. I think back fondly on the days when I used to live in close proximity to the Historic Green Wood (another must visit cemetery!) in Brooklyn and could make my journey there any day of the week or season. It is harder for me to go to Brooklyn now, but thankfully, this season I’ve had the opportunity to visit Sleepy Hollow instead.

This little visit brought back memories of my first trip to Sleepy Hollow with a friend many years ago (five years ago to be precise! where does time go?) We caught Sleepy Hollow during the peak of autumn colors, on a gloomy day, and managed to do a little ghost photoshoot.
Full shoot by Katrin Albert here.
I was fortunate enough to catch a bit of gloom+rain on this trip as well, and it was as every bit enchanting as my first visit. There is a reason why Sleepy Hollow is the stuff of legends (or at the very least one quite famous legend).
Cemetery Photos

A Life Update
I can’t believe it’s been so long since I last posted! My partner and I are still working from home, and mostly keeping to ourselves. We got engaged during a cabin gateway to Lake George, so that constitutes as news, I guess ❤ No wedding plans as of yet, as we’re very unsure as to whether we want a real celebration or a small elopement for photos, or whether we want to wait until the world goes back to normal altogether (honestly, when is that happening realistically).
Also, we’re moving! After only being in the current apartment a year. But with both of us working from home full time, we really need more space.
I hope you are enjoying spooky season as much as I am! I’ve been binging a lot of horror movies this month, watching The Hunting of Hill House (which I loooove!) and playing the heck out of the fall update in Animal Crossing (sooo many pumpkins to grow).
I am slightly ashamed to say I’ve never seen any of the Halloween movies before, but in the span of the month I’ve watched Halloween I, II, III and the 2018 sequel. The only I would not recommend is probably the third installment, as it is confusing, bizarre, and sadly lacking in Michael Meyers goodness/creepiness. The Halloween theme is my spooky month jam.
End of October is shaping up to be quite busy because we’re moving, but I am so excited to show off the new place once we’re settled in. Stay safe, pumpkins.